Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Movie Mark McKinney Has 'Seen A Million Times'

Writer-comedian Mark McKinney's favorite scene from My Neighbor Totoro.

The weekends on All Things Considered series Movies I've Seen A Million Times features filmmakers, actors, writers and directors talking about the movies that they never get tired of watching.

Writer-comedian Mark McKinney's credits include the TV shows Slings and Arrows, Kids In The Hall and Less Than Kind — currently airing on HBO Canada. The movie he could watch a million times is Hayao Miyazaki's anime film, My Neighbor Totoro.

Writer-comedian Mark McKinney.

Writer-comedian Mark McKinney.

George Pimentel/Getty Images

On what he thought when he first saw My Neighbor Totoro

"My first impression of the film was that it just took such care with setting up the world."

On why the scene with Totoro at the bus stop is his favorite

"It's a fantastically wonderful wild-mind moment, and you know it doesn't really follow any story, there's no particular reason for it, but it's there to bond the kids to Totoro, and it just works beautifully. And before you know it, that's completely sucked you into the story, and that's what all of Miyazaki's movies do for me."

View the original article here

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